The Assembly for Research (AR) is an organization under the auspices of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE).
CLICK HERE for the current NCTEAR Constitution.
CLICK HERE for the current NCTEAR Constitution.
ORIGINThe AR was approved by NCTE in March of 1983 and had its first meeting on Nov. 19, 1983, during the fall NCTE conference in Denver. Under the leadership of James Squire and others, the AR was created to provide a venue for research-oriented NCTE members to share ideas and on-going work (See Charter Letter below). At that time, there were few formal channels within NCTE for the presentation and discussion of research--since then, the Standing Committee on Research has established a research strand at the fall NCTE conference to establish a presence for researchers within the council. Over time the AR developed additional goals such as the mission to support early career researchers in their development.
CONNECTIONSThe AR shares similar concerns with three other groups: the NCTE Standing Committee on Research, the National Conference on Research in Language and Literacy (NCRLL; formerly NCRE), and the NCTE Research Foundation. All four groups share an interest in the conduct of research in the English/Language Arts and related fields. None has any authority over the other, although the Standing Committee on Research may make recommendations to the AR, usually filtered through the NCTE Executive Committee.
ABOUT NCTE ASSEMBLIESAn "assembly" is a special interest group within NCTE that can sponsor meetings at national conferences, propose institutes, and initiate other types of professional meetings and activities. A member of an assembly does not need to be a member of NCTE; however, at least 25 members (including all members of the executive board) must be NCTE members. Assemblies require a written constitution and written minority involvement policy. An assembly pays annual dues to NCTE based on its size: $10 for 25-249 members, $15 for 250-499 members, $25 for 500 or more members. An assembly is a financially independent organization, and is responsible for living within the budget generated by its dues, conference registration fees, and other sources of revenue. Membership of 250 or more entitles an assembly to sponsor three activities at an NCTE conference: (1) a SIG time for meeting or session, (2) a concurrent session or workshop, and (3) an exhibit booth.
TO: Charter Members, NCTE Assembly on Research
FROM: James R. Squire
At its February meeting, the NCTE Executive Committee approved the formation of an Assembly on Research. The, first planning meeting will be held at 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, November 19, during the Denver convention. The first slate of officers will be elected by mail this fall and will have by-laws and a program to propose. As a charter member, you should plan to attend and to bring other prospective members with you.
For want of another plan, the officers of the National Conference on Research on English will serve as officers pro tem for the new assembly. Charter members are requested to send news items to me on the attached sheet no later than August 1 for inclusion in a fall mailing.
Speaker at the first Assembly on Research will be Alan C. Purves, Professor of English Education, University of Illinois, on "The International Educational Assessment of Writing A Progress Report."
Spread the word.
J. Squire
Chair, pro tem
TO: Charter Members, NCTE Assembly on Research
FROM: James R. Squire
At its February meeting, the NCTE Executive Committee approved the formation of an Assembly on Research. The, first planning meeting will be held at 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, November 19, during the Denver convention. The first slate of officers will be elected by mail this fall and will have by-laws and a program to propose. As a charter member, you should plan to attend and to bring other prospective members with you.
For want of another plan, the officers of the National Conference on Research on English will serve as officers pro tem for the new assembly. Charter members are requested to send news items to me on the attached sheet no later than August 1 for inclusion in a fall mailing.
Speaker at the first Assembly on Research will be Alan C. Purves, Professor of English Education, University of Illinois, on "The International Educational Assessment of Writing A Progress Report."
Spread the word.
J. Squire
Chair, pro tem