Seeking nominations for associate chair, secretary, and news editor
Following the midwinter conference, NCTEAR will be accepting nominations for Associate Chair, Secretary, and News Editor. We warmly invite you to nominate a colleague or yourself to run as a candidate for this national office. The elected Associate Chair will have the opportunity to host the NCTEAR annual conference, shape directions for the Assembly, and coordinate efforts with the Executive Board and the membership. The elected Associate Chair will serve in the position for 2019-2020, working with the Chair to learn the duties of Chair and to contribute to the planning of the annual midwinter assembly. For 2020-21, the Associate Chair assumes the role of Chair, which includes hosting the 2021 NCTEAR conference. At the conclusion of the 2021 conference, the Chair becomes Past Chair and continues to serve on NCTEAR’s Executive Committee for four years.
The Secretary serves a three-year term, from 2019-2022. The Secretary's primary responsibilities include e-mail and website communication on behalf of the Executive Committee, organizing and administering the review process for proposals, and supporting the Chair in planning the annual midwinter assembly.
The News Editor serves a three-year term, from 2019-2022. The New Chair's primary responsibilities include compiling and editing the online newsletter, administering the Facebook page, and supporting the Chair in planning the annual midwinter assembly.
If you are interested in any of the officer openings or have any questions, please talk to a current officer at the midwinter conference. Following the conference, we will put out a call for nominations.
The Secretary serves a three-year term, from 2019-2022. The Secretary's primary responsibilities include e-mail and website communication on behalf of the Executive Committee, organizing and administering the review process for proposals, and supporting the Chair in planning the annual midwinter assembly.
The News Editor serves a three-year term, from 2019-2022. The New Chair's primary responsibilities include compiling and editing the online newsletter, administering the Facebook page, and supporting the Chair in planning the annual midwinter assembly.
If you are interested in any of the officer openings or have any questions, please talk to a current officer at the midwinter conference. Following the conference, we will put out a call for nominations.